Queensland State Government Consultation on Proposed Changes to Planning Provisions for Secondary Dwellings
As part of streamlining Queensland’s development and construction process, the Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works is seeking feedback on the proposed design and siting requirements for…

BCC – Brisbane Housing Supply Incentive Policy
Brisbane City Council has released the Brisbane Housing Supply Incentive Policy to help reduce infrastructure charges for certain needed housing types. The policy aims to reduce infrastructure charges and provide…

BCC New Housing Action Plan
BCC plans to assist in the fast-tracking of new homes and improve housing affordability. Under the Plan, Council will waive 50% – 75% of infrastructure charges for certain sized…

Amendment of Planning Regulation 2017
The Planning Regulation 2017 has been amended and is now in force (28 July 2023) via the Planning Amendment Regulation 2023. The Amendment Regulation amends the Planning Regulation to: Give…

Gold Coast City Plan Heritage Overlay Amendments
Gold Coast City Council is amending the City Plan, to include amendments to provisions relating to Local Heritage. A full list of the amendments can be found here. Council is inviting…

Logan Charges Resolution (No.11) 2023
Logan City Council has adopted the Logan Charges Resolution (No.11) 2023 This will introduce new charges for Secondary Dwelling at the full rate of a Dual Occupancy and ups the…

New Temporary Local Planning Instrument 01/2022 BCC – Protection of Properties in the Moorooka War Workers’ Housing Estate
Brisbane City Council has adopted the TLPI 01/22 at its meeting of 25 October 2022, with an effective date of 02 August 2022. The TPLI will cease to have effect…

Amendment of QLD’s Planning Regulation 2017 – Emergency Housing
Queensland’s Planning Regulation 2017 was amended on 21 October 22 through the Planning (Emergency Housing) Amendment Regulation 2022. The Amendment Regulation amends the Planning Regulation to : Provide…

Queensland Secondary Dwelling Planning Regulation 2017 Amendment
Commencing 26 September 2022, Planning frameworks will not regulate private living arrangements in relation to secondary dwellings. The homeowner will still need to ensure that their secondary dwelling complies with…